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Mom's Stinky Ass in Sagging jeans

photo of DelphoxiDelphoxi

13:37 | Added 12 hours ago

Mom is looking through her laundry in nothing but a pair of jeans and a sheer bra. You walk in and watch her as she continues her chores. She asks you about how you feel about the way she's wearing her jeans and asks if they would look better if she wore them lower? She pulls them down, showing her buttcrack and ass cheeks a little more as she continues looking through her clothing. Mom notices you looking at her oddly and she assumes it must be because she's sweaty and stinky from working out and not showering, and her smelly ass is super strong and stinky, even more so after mom pulled her pants down. You secretly love the sweaty smell of her ass so you tell her that it's just fine and she secretly is turned on about you looking at her ass in the sagging jeans. She then pulls her jeans down lower and begins to tease you about how you like the smell of her ass and her sagging jeans!! This is oddly turning her on so she continues teasing you and herself with her stinky ass in her sagging jeans!


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