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Babysitter Pleasures You and the Dog

photo of DelphoxiDelphoxi

15:11 | Added 7 months ago

You get home and the babysitter teases you about how she's been fooling around with your daughter all day! You love this slutty babysitter, last time she was here she taught your daughter to suck dick and fucked your dog right in front of you! but this time you don't want to just watch, you want to fuck this little slut! She agrees, telling you she's never fucked a man, just your dog and daughter so it will be like losing her virginity ! But you alone would be too boring for this whore, she calls in your dog and sucks his cock while you fuck her hairy pussy and she tells you all the nasty things she did to your daughter with the dog today! You cum on her face and your dog cums inside her !!


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