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Short Hair | Before & After Haircut | February 2025 | Clara Crisp Shows Off Freshly Cut Brunette Style

Haircut day has arrived for February! First, I show off my grown-out style. I normally have it cut more often, but this appointment was pushed back. It wasn’t misbehaving too much in the before shots! It got that out of the way the day before. After my appointment, I show off my freshly cut and styled haircut! You know it is going to be a short haircut, but I’m in a stage in the hairstyle cycle where I’m letting it inch longer.

Featuring: Hair Haircut Hairstyle Cut Style Short Hair Brunette Brown Before & After Bob Pixie Asymmetrical MILF BBW Chubby

I have years of haircut videos in my store. It is a playground of clips, so I invite you to take a look! I am an independent creator from start to finish, which can be a lot of work, but the appreciation and support of my fans makes it worth it!


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