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Sparkling Fun

Let's start my birthday off with a bang full of sparkles and danger (that's right today is my birthday).
For this film I put all 3 clips of my crazy shenanigans together for 1 hell of a rid.
Watch as I risk my body in a crazy way, so what do I do? It's simple!
First clip "SparklePuss" That's right I make that tight pretty pussy of mine sparkle and shimmer by sticking a forth of July sparkler inside of her and light it up.
Next up is "Booty Sparkles" yup same concept just in my tight little butt hole, the faces I make with the worried looks are hilarious.
Last but not least is "Twinkle Toes", I use not 1 but 2 sparklers held upright with just my toes.
Do I get burned?
2019 Panther Productions Entertainment


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