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Brookland Bros Ent

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Brookland Bros Ent APClips.com profile

Brookland Bros. Entertainment has been in the adult entertainment business for over 30 years. Our film and video production company is based in Portland, but we produce content around the world for companies such as Playboy, The Playboy Channel, The Spice Channel, Penthouse, ShowTime, HBO, Hustler, American Hotel Motel, Pay-Per-View, and hundreds of websites around the world!

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Meet Cassandra video from
Meet Cassandra My name is Cassandra I’m 24. After I moved out of my parent’s place, I got my own apartment and have been jumping from job to job trying to find a fit. I have also been exploring my sexuality. To my friends and family, I am a “good girl”, but in my mind I fight the feelings of wanting to be a slutty whore and suck and fuck anything with a pulse. I got hired to work at a typical club doing things here and there, but it just so happens to have a sister swingers club upstairs, so my workdays can get very interesting from time to time. My job is so easy and I want to keep it so, when my perverted boss wants me to take “dictation”, or he wants to show me the dungeon or a new feature to the swingers club, well I step into his office and do what a girl needs to do to keep her easy job. To escape the realities of the world I dream about being a superhero, I masturbate a great deal and because of that my roommate has caught me on many occasions, which is kind of a turn on. I also do open mic singing from time to time at a club when by boss allows me to after I have sucked his dick, but a funny thing is I seem to only hit the high notes when I am being eaten out buy either sex, which leads me to the biggest discovery about myself... I’m bisexual. I love using toys, cosplay, fucking, sucking, roll playing, movies, drinking smooth whisky, nerd stuff, spanking and BDSM, but in the end I have learned about what it means to be a “unicorn” and I have a dream of making that happen soon. I hope you visit me every week and we can become friends!

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About Me

Joined Oct.06, 2020

Brookland Bros. Entertainment has been in the adult entertainment business for over 30 years. Our film and video production company is based in Portland, but we produce content around the world for companies such as Playboy, The Playboy Channel, The Spice Channel, Penthouse, ShowTime, HBO, Hustler, American Hotel Motel, Pay-Per-View, and hundreds of websites around the world!

Age 56

My Stats

Videos 16
Views 1,142
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Faved 4

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