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BizarreVideo APClips.com profile

#1 in premier fetish videos. Featuring: Bondage, Spanking, Whipping, Domination, Anal, Lesbians, Big Tis, Trans, and much more!

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A SPANKABLE ASS video from
A SPANKABLE ASS I'm excited to work for Dr. Lana, Brandy Smile thought that first day on the job. The clinic seemed like such a cool place, not uptight at all. And Brandy loved how Dr. Lana wore short skirts under her medical coat, and even black spiked heel boots! But Brandy soon learned that this wasn’t such a normal clinic after all, because once she made a mistake and incited Dr. Lana’s ire, there was hell to pay with her heinie! No sooner did she drop a bunch of files, than Lana was pulling her hair and bending her over the examining table for a spanking. Brandy couldn’t believe it! Lana’s hand smacked her so hard through her tight pants, but that was only the beginning. Dr. Lana pulled her pants down and exposed Brandy’s bare butt for a real spanking. SMACK SMACK SMACK on her cheeks. "Lots to spank here, Miss Smile, lots and lots of lovely ass!" laughed Dr. Lana. “Ow--owweee---oh no, don’t Dr. Lana--” went Brandy, but to no avail as the sadistic and obviously very experienced red-manicured spanking hand of this so-called “doctor” taught Brandy a lesson she didn’t deserve. Dr. Lana cuffed Brandy’s wrists, and then Lana took off her coat and revealed the shiny black bustier underneath! She looked more like a dominatrix than a healer! Oh dear she kept spanking Brandy, sizzling her poor seat. Then she leaned her across the exam table—barefoot. And then something really hard hit her--it was a PADDLE .Whoosh—SPLAT!! Whoosh—SPLAT. Brandy’s cheeks were red and Dr. Lana was chuckling and saying “Your punishment is only beginning.” Brandy’s ass had never felt so hot. Leaning over the examining table, Brandy can hear Dr. Lana lubricating the vibrator with spit. And soon Brandy’s cunny feels the invading thrust of the toy, buzzing, throbbing and making her hole respond. Dr. Lana crams her hole with the toy, licks her clitoris, and then jams the obscene bullet into her asshole. Ohmigosh Brandy never thought she would have a vibrator in her anus!! Her hands and ankles bound, she is positioned to be used to the sleazy, dirty maximum. She’s sitting on Brandy’s face while the toy is making her ass explode.

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Joined May.01, 2024

#1 in premier fetish videos. Featuring: Bondage, Spanking, Whipping, Domination, Anal, Lesbians, Big Tis, Trans, and much more!

Age 61

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