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Luna Da Vine in Lapdance Lessons

I hadn't been to a strip club in years, and I'd only gotten a lapdance once before, when I met Luna Da Vine at the club. She was so sexy, and she convinced me that getting a dance would be fun. So, we went back to the VIP area. I wasn't sure what to expect, but Luna put me at ease. Before I knew it, she was naked and sitting on my lap! It was great! Well, until she told me that my jeans and the zipper were really uncomfortable against her sensitive parts. I got nervous that I'd upset her, and I didn't know how I could fix that, but Luna had a suggestion. She asked me to stand up and took my pants off! I was pretty shocked, but went along with it. Once my pants were down, she started grinding on me again. All I was wearing were some boxer briefs. Very thin ones! It was hot. Then she started stroking my cock through them, and she said that things were still a bit too restrictive and asked me if she could pull them down. What? Yeah, she wanted to take my cock out! She even had lube in her purse. She lubed my cock up and started stroking me. Right there in the club! She made my cock so hard. She even said that if I became a regular customer, she might do more. I think she might suck me off if I go back!

Needless to say, I will go back!


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