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Hazel Gives a Creampie Lapdance

Hazel was so sexy, I just had to ask her for a VIP lapdance. She took me back to the room. I didn't know quite what to expect, and I never would have anticipated what actually happened! When we got back there, she was a lusty little thing. She before I knew it, I was sucking on her nipples. After a bit of grinding, she started sucking on my cock through my shorts! Getting it really wet. Then she tried stuffing it into her pussy! I told her that if she kept doing that, it might go in. She didn't seem to mind. When I saw that it may not get in that way, I took it out of my shorts, and she kept grinding against it, and then before I knew it, I was inside her, fucking her raw! I had to stop her before I nutted, and so she sat on my face! Her pussy couldn't get enough. I stroked my cock while I ate her pussy, then fingered her. She got down on her knees and told me to stand up and then took down my shorts! I was pantsless in the VIP! When I sat down, she devoured my cock and balls. Fuck, it was hot. We ended the dance with her on her back, both of us naked (thankfully no one walked in on us!), and me fucking her tight pussy. Eventually, I just unloaded inside her, and she didn't even seem to mind! It was so fucking hot!


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