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Akara Fang

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Akara Fang APClips.com profile
Akara Fang APClips.com profile

Weird, Awkward, Shy. Gamer. Model. FinDom. Probably Hungry.
Twitch streamer
Nude Model
I post lots of selfies, modeling pics, domme videos (tier 2)
I offer custom photos and videos, just message me!!

6 Videos Show All

My Gift to You (Akara Fang - CEI) video from
My Gift to You (Akara Fang - CEI) I know you've been desperate to see me again, I'm all you want. I'm what you crave. You need me just like you need air to breathe. You need me to keep you going. Without me you are lost, like a love sick loser . My pitiful, pitiful little loser. Its never going to change. You are going to be my bitch for like, you cant escape. Your suffering is all I care about. Oh you ARE going to suffer. Now grab that cock of yours and squeeze it as hard as you can Don't jerk! Now squeeze those balls of yours until you squirm bitch. Now you are going to turn on that camera and record every second of this, I want to see you humiliate yourself for my entertainment! I bet you'd do anything for a nice glimpse of these perfect tits of mine but guess what loser you don't deserve to see these tits. You just get to suffer for me. The more you hate it, the more I enjoy it. Now grab your toy or cucumber, lube it up and shove it right up that ass of yours. Make a pig nose for me as you send a tribute. Show me what a real piggy you are. I should shove this heel right up that ass of yours! Keep fucking your ass and jerk it for me, take one long stroke up and down. No cumming just yet, I know how quick you are. Its been so long since you've cum for me, hasn't it. I am giving you a gift tonight. You get to edge for me, over and over. Jerk, jerk, jerk. Stop! Good loser. Look at you, so desperate to cum for me. Grab a cup and cum in it, jerk it bitch! Good now fuck that ass and drink it all down for me bitch! - Akara Fang

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About Me

Joined Aug.26, 2021

Weird, Awkward, Shy. Gamer. Model. FinDom. Probably Hungry.
Twitch streamer
Nude Model
I post lots of selfies, modeling pics, domme videos (tier 2)
I offer custom photos and videos, just message me!!

Age 35

My Stats

Videos 6
Views 733
Loves 0
Faved 0

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