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You're Too Short for the Christmas Tree Farm!

Your girlfriend Wynter is going through some boxes of tree decorations, and you ask her why you didn't wait for you to get home! You're disappointed when you don't get to participate in things... Wynter sighs, she's perfectly capable on her own! You're always acting like you're going to be a help with Christmas traditions-- but you're too short to even reach where the decorations are stored! When you two go to the Christmas tree farm, Wynter just frets about you and you are no help at all! Look how tiny you are! You're a liability honestly, what if you got hurt? And what if you get hurt at the Christmas party from people trampling you! You're just so tiny! Wynter tears you down, hurting your feelings and humiliating you for your height-- but in the sweetest, most caring way. It stings, but feels kind of nice of her to be so protective of you! She compares your heights, your hand and foot size-- everything! She's not just taller- she's stronger! Maybe you just need to be tossed on the bed and fucked, you seem moody today! She could do it, you know! You feel humiliated, but also sort of adored by her concern.


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