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Step-Auntie Wynter Gets Physical With You! With Kisses!

Your Step-Auntie Wynter is all ready to go to the gym, lipstick and all! You joke about her bright colored lipstick, once again. You know step-auntie doesn’t like that! Why are you such a bully! She pulls you in for some cheek pinching and kisses, you push back. She shows off her bigger muscles, you probably shouldn’t bully her! She’s stronger than you AND has some of the best lips in town! She challenges you to a wrestle, and quickly has you pinned under her big ass and big thighs! “Don’t run away from my love!” she says while puckering up to cover you in her pink lippy!!! You know you love being covered in her lippy, and boy does her lippy always stain your cheeks! She covers your face all up with her big lipstick marks! Re-applying over and over again to make sure they stick on ya! She pinches your cheeks every so often while leaning over you, her big breasts spilling out of her sports bra. If you want to annoy your step-auntie, she will annoy you right back! With Kisses!~! 


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