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Fembot Student Malfunction

This is a fembot fantasy video. It focuses mainly on the fact that the character is a robot and her slow realisation she can't hide it. A slow build up leads to mutal masturbation. The characteristics of the character are achieved with acting, editing and sound effects.

Story: You're a university professor and you call one of your students to your office because her thesis has been flagged as written by AI. The student tries to pursade you that she would never plagiarise anyone's work. She's very determined and her stress is rising. She's the top of the class so when you tell her she may not pass, she starts to lose it. Suddenly, her words sound odd and her body moves differently. She screams that she was designed to be perfect. You're shocked and ask her if she's a fembot which she denies but her body proves you right. She's getting glitches and her malfunctions are getting worse and worse as she tries to tell you she's just a regular student. Under all that stress she gets an idea. She starts to seduce you to call herself down. She strips and touches herself. Her processor is overheating. You can't notice she's a robot! She's just a woman... She's just a woman!

Tags in the video: robot, android, fembot, female robot, professor student, university, transformation, masturbation, mutual masturbation, ai, technology, humanoid, sex doll, sex robot, human robot


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