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duration 4:36
Sit Deflating Beach Balls video from BlackxRose92
Sit Deflating Beach Balls by BlackxRose92 My favorite boobie beach balls have been inflated for a fetish video, but now it's time to put them away. I can't bear to pop them! They're too cute, and I love play with them too much to pop them. Deflating them by hand takes way too long, and I'm not wearing any pants, so the best way to deflate my beach balls to keep them safe is to sit on them. Of course! This tiny blue micro thong looks extra sexy as my booty cheeks bounce and grind on the beach balls, deflating them under my ass. The air squeals out in fast whooshes, gentle airy whispers, and strong gusts as I bounce, grind, and even lift my feet off the floor! The air intake valves that look like nipples are very tight though, so I have to lift my high heels all the way up, bringing my feet just below my ass, as I bounce as hard as I can, making the plastic squeak under my naked ass cheeks. With the first beach ball nearly flat, I can't quite get it fully deflated with just my butt, so I stack the other still inflated beach ball on top and really wiggle into it, grinding hard. I bounce even harder, flattening both beach balls as much as possible so they'll fit nicely into storage safely for play another day. Once they both get as flat as possible under my butt, I have to squeeze them as hard as possible, really draining out every single bit of air with my hands pressing them against my tits. Oh my! It looks like these boobie beach balls have been through an intense breastfeeding session by the time I'm done with them! No holes though, my beach balls have not been popped and are ready to for sexy fetish fun another day.

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