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duration 7:38
Snap, Crackle, Pop Goes My Ankles! video from BlackxRose92
Snap, Crackle, Pop Goes My Ankles! by BlackxRose92 Custom video: "You can do this clip very overacted. You have the ability to twist your feet very far without causing you great discomfort. You even find it sexy. Your followers on the net love it and are eagerly waiting for the next video in which you crack your feet. So you speak directly to the camera and talk to your fans. The video can have as many cuts as it needs. Please do not make a one-shoot video of the story. I like detail shots of your feet etc. (Inserts) The main thing is about, that you find a great camera angle when you twist your feet. So that it looks as realistic as possible. You have 2 wavefiles (soundeffects) for each ankle twist. I put some sounds together, i used some knuckle cracking compilation videos for that.Please use this later when you edit the video to put the sound under your footage. Rose is sitting on her bed and looking at the camera. She is wearing a sexy top and leggings. Her toes are painted and she is wearing a hot foot jewelry. She provocatively holds her feet up to the camera. "Hey guys, look what I brought with me today. Do you like the nail polish and the foot jewelry?" She twists and turns on the bed, showing her feet and legs from all directions. Rose is now lying on her stomach, her legs in the air. She wiggles her toes and rolls her ankles back and forth. "It's time to crack my feet." She laughs. Then she sits up and holds her right foot in the camera. She holds her leg above the ankle with her right hand. She grips her foot with her left hand. She giggles again. Takes a deep breath. Then she turns her foot inward. With great effort, she pulls her foot up towards her. Looks at it, moans.She giggles again. Then suddenly it cracks extremely loud. Her foot pops out. It points inwards, rotated by 90 degrees. Rose enjoys the sight of her twisted foot. She shows her twisted foot from all directions. Finds the sight erotic. She moans. She smiles at it. She grasps her twisted foot, takes another deep breath and pushes it back into place. It cracks loudly again and Rose gives a short scream. She can move her foot again. Rolling it up and down. Then she picks up her other leg and holds her foot in the camera to crack it exactly the same way. Rose is walking in extremely high heels with her crutches. She nearly sprains her ankle and rolls it many times while trying to walk in the dangerous shoes. She laughs. Rose takes off her foot jewelry, sets it aside. Now barefoot, Rose flexes and shows off her barefoot pedicured MILF feet."

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