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duration 23:52
Affirmations - Wife Worship - Phase 3 - AUDIO ONLY - Hypnosis video from Mistress Amethyst
Affirmations - Wife Worship - Phase 3 - AUDIO ONLY - Hypnosis by Mistress Amethyst COMMANDED TO CUM BY YOUR WIFE - AUDIO ONLY Now that you have completed Wife Worship Phase 1 & 2, it’s time to move on to Wife Worship – Phase 3! This is where you’ll be programmed to cum by your wife’s trigger! Phase 2 of Wife Worship brainwashes you to cum upon your wife’s command! I’m going to program your mind so that you’ll cum when your wife gives the trigger. This Affirmation set starts out as affirmations, and eventually it turns into yummy programming. A secondary track contains ASMR/Whispers to quietly program you while you’re busy repeating your affirmations. Put this loop on repeat for an even deeper programming experience. Results may vary INSTRUCTIONS: This file will immediately begin with affirmations stated in the “I” form. These are meant for you to repeat them out loud or silently to yourself. When the affirmations begin to change and start in the “you” form, you may allow yourself to sink into a brainwashing trance while being programmed. Features: Secondary ASMR/Whisper Track: Yes Brainwaves: Yes – gradual to 4 Hz Gender Specific: Yes Triggers Used: None Finger Snaps: None Mistress Amethyst Worship Commands: No Amnesia Suggestions: No Fractionation: No Humiliation: No Cum Command: No Subliminal Messages – No Awakening Command: No Suggestions To Buy More From Mistress: No Themes: Femdom, FLR Female Led Relationship, Husband Training, Submissive Husband, Wife Worship, Layered Whispers Release Date: 10/24/2019 23 Minutes
duration 27:30
Affirmations - Wife Worship - Phase 1 - AUDIO ONLY video from Mistress Amethyst
Affirmations - Wife Worship - Phase 1 - AUDIO ONLY by Mistress Amethyst PLEASING YOUR WIFE BEGINS HERE First thing is first – you must change your behavior around your wife if you have any hope of her wanting to dominate you! It’s just a fact! Phase 1 of Wife Worship begins with helping you to change some behaviors, as well as directing your submissive tendencies towards your wife. You’ll be compelled to speak words of kindness, gratitude, and worship. You’ll find that her happiness is arousing, and excites you sexually. You will submit to her will, and use your sexual energy towards pleasing her. You will ache to be a good husband, relieving your wife from burdens, so that she’ll feel more playful and attracted to you sexually. That just aroused you didn’t it? Yes, I thought so. This Affirmation set starts out as affirmations, and eventually it turns into yummy programming. A secondary track contains ASMR/Whispers to quietly program you while you’re busy repeating your affirmations. Put this loop on repeat for an even deeper programming experience. Results may vary INSTRUCTIONS: This file will immediately begin with affirmations stated in the “I” form. These are meant for you to repeat them out loud or silently to yourself. When the affirmations begin to change and start in the “you” form, you may allow yourself to sink into a mesmerizing trance while being programmed. Features: Secondary ASMR/Whisper Track: Yes Brainwaves: Yes – gradual to 4 Hz Gender Specific: Yes Triggers Used: None Finger Snaps: None Mistress Amethyst Worship Commands: No Amnesia Suggestions: No Fractionation: No Humiliation: No Cum Command: No Subliminal Messages – No Awakening Command: No Suggestions To Buy More From Mistress: No Themes: Femdom, FLR Female Led Relationship, Husband Training, Submissive Husband, Wife Worship, Layered Whispers Release Date: 10/24/2019 26 Minutes
duration 21:40
Affirmations - Wife Worship - Phase 2 - AUDIO ONLY - HUSBAND TRAINING video from Mistress Amethyst
Affirmations - Wife Worship - Phase 2 - AUDIO ONLY - HUSBAND TRAINING by Mistress Amethyst WIFE WORSHIP GETS SEXIER HERE! Now that you have completed Wife Worship Phase 1, it’s time to move on to Wife Worship – Phase 2! This is where it gets sexy! Phase 2 of Wife Worship brainwashes you to surrender your sex drive over to your wife. Your wife controls If, When, and How you will have sex. Oh yes, that’s right! Phase 2 has you surrendering your sex drive and orgasm over to her, and you will love every minute of it! Her pleasure always comes first, and you will lick her pussy as often as she desires. Once she is fully satisfied, she will decide is you are allowed to orgasm or not. If not, you will work even harder to please your wife. Her pleasure and happiness always come first. The more you surrender to your wife, the happier she becomes! This Affirmation set starts out as affirmations, and eventually it turns into yummy programming. A secondary track contains ASMR/Whispers to quietly program you while you’re busy repeating your affirmations. Put this loop on repeat for an even deeper programming experience. Results may vary INSTRUCTIONS: This file will immediately begin with affirmations stated in the “I” form. These are meant for you to repeat them out loud or silently to yourself. When the affirmations begin to change and start in the “you” form, you may allow yourself to sink into a brainwashing trance while being programmed. Features: Secondary ASMR/Whisper Track: Yes Brainwaves: Yes – gradual to 4 Hz Gender Specific: Yes Triggers Used: None Finger Snaps: None Mistress Amethyst Worship Commands: No Amnesia Suggestions: No Fractionation: No Humiliation: No Cum Command: No Subliminal Messages – No Awakening Command: No Suggestions To Buy More From Mistress: No Themes: Femdom, FLR Female Led Relationship, Husband Training, Submissive Husband, Wife Worship, Layered Whispers Release Date: 10/24/2019 21 Minutes
duration 17:52
Affirmations - Trance Enhancer - Audio Only Mesmerize video from Mistress Amethyst

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