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duration 27:24
Giantess' Shunken Revenge On Cheating BF video from XxNaughtyGirlxX
Giantess' Shunken Revenge On Cheating BF by XxNaughtyGirlxX Story Background: I’m your boyfriend, and you find out I cheated on you with one of your friends. Another friend in your circle gave you the intimate details of what happened, and you’re pissed. This cheating ‘friend’ of yours indulged me my doing a session of pussy and ass with me. You’re so angry with me because I’ve rarely done oral with you, and I’ve certainly never serviced your ass with my tongue. You invite me over to get even with me before you dump me. You will shrink me, then and me. You will me mercilessly with your pussy and asshole, playfully depriving me of air. Then, you’ll use my head as a dildo to pleasure first your pussy, then your asshole (would you be open to this-?; if too uncomfortable, we can use a tiny). You bring yourself to self to climax as you me within your ass. Video Description: First scene I’m already shrunken down to a ken doll. You’re dressed as you see fit. You’re pissed at me, and are towering over me. (I’ll leave the setting up to you—bed, chair, floor; whatever works best for your comfort and the camera to capture the scene). You strip me of my clothes, then remove your panties (do what you wish with your top). You spent the next 7-8 minutes, first me, then inserting me inside your pussy. I’d like you to be domineering and spiteful, but not yelling or anything like that. Hump my face beneath you, and ask me why I didn’t do this to you before. Deprive me of air before you let me steal a breath, only to shove me back beneath you or inside of you again. Transition to punishing me with your ass and asshole for the other half of part one. Please include closeups throughout of me beneath and inside of you. I’d also like shots of you both from the front, and the back. Low angle look up shots would be preferred. In the final scene, you’ve shrunk me again, this time to a 1 inch tiny. Initially the shot can be wide angle, but I’d like you to zoom in as your,re winking your asshole with me inside of you
duration 26:15
devoured in real life video from Sloansmoans
duration 51:36
Oops! I Shrunk My Brother-TIER 2 EXCLUSIVE FANCLUB VIDEO video from Marissa Sweet
Oops! I Shrunk My Brother-TIER 2 EXCLUSIVE FANCLUB VIDEO by Marissa Sweet Do not buy this video with tokens lol. Join my 2nd or 3rd tier fanclub to gain access to this video: marissasweet.apfanclub.com ~ This is a custom video, the script reads as followed: Your mom owns a shrinkray and you've been dying to use it on your brother. You teased him with some of the things you would do to him and he counts himself lucky you never got your hands on the shrinkray. Luckily it would make him invulnerable once he's shrunken. Your mom is leaving on a business trip for a month. She is at the airport when she calls you on your phone. You are in the kitchen with your brother and pick up the phone. She asks if you can check if her shrinkray is still inside a kitchen drawer. To your amazement you find it and while you continue talking to your mom, you aim it at your brother. There's nothing he can do as you shrink him very tiny. Your mother ask you to bring it to the Air Port. You comply and hang up the phone. You cannot believe your luck as you begin to tease him. You pick him up and tell him that he won't believe all the things you will do with him. He's angry and demands you to grow him back. But you just laugh it off and decide to cool him off. You grab a container from the cabinet and put him in. You close the lid and put him in the fridge. You tell him you're bringing the shrink ray to the Air Port and you'll be back at lunchtime. You leave him with the Notion that he might be part of it as you leave him in darkness. Please shoot the following scenario's: - Taking him out of the fridge, teasing him how he's your toy the next months and put him in your mouth like a candy - Freezing him in an ice cube and then thawing him in your mouth - Putting him among your sex toys as you tell him he's your new addition and leave him there - Taking him out and use him as a sex toy, only to put him back among the toys - Combining one of your sex toys and your brother. - Sewing him in your underwear and wear him and putting him in your laundry. - Putting him deep inside your pussy and leave him there for a couple days - Using him as an ingredient for dinner and eating him - Rinsing him off the day after and swallow him again - The last scene you are casually playing with your brother inside your mouth. You mom is coming back tomorrow and think about what to do. You don't want to give up your toy just yet, so you come up with a plan and call your mother. You convince her that he's left for a long trip abroad and he'll be gone for a while. She believes you and you are very happy. You almost feel guilty for it, but having him at your complete mercy is just to thrilling. You just have to be very careful when you're mom is home, so he'll probably find himself inside your body. Either inside your digestive system or inside her pussy. You ask which way he wants to go and he knows he's defeated. He tells you he wants to be inside your pussy as you lower him towards it. You tell him you don't want to take any risks and you'll keep him there for the next week so mom can't find you. Ignoring his struggles, you put him in. Please use a mix of pov and a tiny plastic figure
duration 15:33
Wife Sized: Naughty Shrinking Housewife FULL VIDEO video from BlackxRose92
Wife Sized: Naughty Shrinking Housewife FULL VIDEO by BlackxRose92 Hey honey, what did you want for dinner? Oh, you canceled our plans? I'm happy that you want me all to yourself, but I'm confused. What do you mean, that I'm in for a big shock? Oh! The room is getting so much bigger! Why am I suddenly shrinking so rapidly? Quick! Pick me up in your hand, but be careful. Don't drop me! I'm so tiny at this size. Did you really shrink me so tiny, just so that I could be smaller than your cock? At this size, I could ride your finger. There's no way you could face fuck me, but I could sit on your lips. Only if you don't accidentally eat me! How would we have sex at this size? I guess I could ride your fingers. Here, hold still and let me try it! Let's see how I fit, humping your palm and then fucking myself so deep with just the tip of your finger! I'm so small now that I've been through this shrinking transformation, that it's not safe to let me out of your pocket, unless you're taking me out for sex. Let me hump your hand and see how it feels, fucking your large hand while I'm so teeny tiny, and I want to watch you jerk off for me while I cum in your hand! Wait, you want to shrink me again? Be careful! You almost dropped me last time. Will you be shrinking me until I'm tiny, or will you go even smaller this time? How am I supposed to give you a full body massage if I'm so small.... Oh! Wow! My body is smaller than your cock! Oh my, I can really watch it throb at this size. How will I fuck it? I can try to wrap my arms around your dick and stroke it, or maybe I could even wrap around it in a giant hug and use my entire body to pump it up and down. With me at this size, you really do have me all to yourself. There's no way for me to climb down from your erection, but if I make your giant cock ejaculate at this size, I'll be swimming in cum! Shrinking me down to this teeny tiny height means that I'll be entirely drenched in jizz if you cum on me. Be careful! You could cum and wash me away entirely! PART 1 and 2 FULL VIDEO Wife Sized Shrinking Housewife
duration 12:25
Honey, I Shrunk You! video from BlackxRose92
Honey, I Shrunk You! by BlackxRose92 You're having a movies and chill night in with your MILF housewife, Rose, but she's not being very "initiative" with the chill part of your evening. She's so small and cute, but so awkward and isn't picking up on your body language. She's just about to walk away to get snacks, when the time is right and you get her with the shrinking transformation. She's stunned, and very surprised as she notices that her body immediately starts folding in on itself at an exponential rate. With hardly any chance to realize what's happening, her arms and legs have already shrunk inside of her shirt and frumpy sweatpants. Her clothes aren't growing through, she's shrinking right out of them entirely! At first she's embarrassed to find herself naked on the bed and smaller than pocket size, but then she realizes you're both in bed together. When your naughty housewife realizes the things she can do at this little size, she transforms into an eager horny housewife. Even though she's shrunk right out of her clothes, she talks about how it would take her entire body to stroke your cock, or how it would be difficult, but not impossible, to have sex even though her body is smaller than your entire dick. She's standing there naked next to her clothes, and she's even cuter now that she's gone through this erotic shrinking transformation, but she has some safety concerns about where she'll rest if she doesn't get bigger again. You reassure her that you'll figure it out together, but first, you wanted to hear more about her thoughts on exactly how it would be possible to have sex even after her kinky shrinking erotic transformation. Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
duration 13:03
Female Scientist Has Embarrassing Shrinking Accident video from BlackxRose92
Female Scientist Has Embarrassing Shrinking Accident by BlackxRose92 Here we go! Initiating the final test of our shrink way! As I've been the leader on this project, I will be the first human test subject, and then our machine will get approval for public use. One last check on all the safeties, and then we'll begin! Hopefully the reverse settings work so we can ensure everything functions as should be expected, and so that after tests are completed, I can be returned to my usual size. If all goes according to plan, I will be shrinking momentarily, and then growing back to normal again at the end of the test. Are we ready? Ok! Let's do this! I'll count down to the test while the rest of the staff and crew watch behind the protective glass from the viewing and recording room where we'll be saving records of all tests on the shrinking machine. This is so exciting! Here we go! 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..... Oh it's working! The shrinking machine is pelting me with a small ray that is rapidly shrinking my body. Wait! Are my clothes not shrinking too? Oh no! I'm shrinking right out of my lab coat! I'm trying to hold onto my clothes, but the shrinking ray worked too well! Everyone is going to come back in the test room any minute now, and they're going to see me standing here naked with my shoes and clothes piled up around me proving the test failed! There's nowhere, and no way, for me to hide, and I'm completely naked. Everyone is going to see how the shrink ray failed when they see me standing here totally naked and embarrassed at my massive scientific failure!!! Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
duration 13:51
A Little Scientific Embarrassment: Naked Female Scientist Shrinks Out Of Her Clothes video from BlackxRose92
A Little Scientific Embarrassment: Naked Female Scientist Shrinks Out Of Her Clothes by BlackxRose92 Welcome to HGH Industries! The world's foremost leader in breakthrough technologies that will change the future and the world as we know it. I'm very excited to be here today! We're going to be testing my personal project, the shrinking ray, and I'm going to be the very first test subject! Double check the safeties and settings, and then we're ready to go! Does everything look fine, and have we passed all safety precautions? Did you remember to-ah! AH!!!! Oh I'm shrinking! *On the first test, nothing happens, but Rose is caught suddenly off guard when the shrinking machine goes off unexpectedly on the wrong setting and begins shrinking rapidly, right out of her clothes! One moment she's standing there surprised, and the next, just her shoes on the floors as her clothes drop right out of the air!* Help! Help me, please! I've shrunk right out of my clothes, and now I'm completely naked. This is so embarrassing! Oh no, to make matters worse, the conference on the shrinking ray is in 10 minutes, and we've been filming the entire testing scenario for HR to review. Now I'm going to face total embarrassment in front of everyone, and my husband is on his way to pick me up from work for date night! OH NO! My clothes didn't shrink, and now I'm tiny and naked on the security camera for HR! Now we're never going to get this shrinking machine approved! Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
duration 10:38
A Shrinking Sci-Fi Adventure In Space video from BlackxRose92
A Shrinking Sci-Fi Adventure In Space by BlackxRose92 Astronaut Rose is off to the outer limits of the multiverse to explore everything she can find! Nowhere is too far, with just a few clicks to the communications back on home planet, wormholes and portals can take her anywhere she needs to go. Where will she find herself on this most recent expedition to a newly discovered organic planet that sustains life? Will she find potential for new colonies of humans, or will she find danger around every corner? The comms respond affirmative, and she prepares for a portal to open up a wormhole in the time continuum stream. Drop in is slow, and holding her pace steady is tricky, but she's a well seasoned space captain and has navigated far worse. Rose guides her way carefully through the wormhole stream, counting down her launch until the next portal opens up. This new planet has only been spotted through satellites, never seen in person. She will be the first. Organic life and oxygen rich atmosphere is immediately confirmed on landing. Rose's suit starts pinging off the charts with positive readings, indicating she should take as many samples as possible. Except, Rose is far from the biggest life form on this planet. Suddenly, everything begins to take shape around her as the wormhole portal fades...... Rose is tiny! This shrinking sci fi astronaut is in for the surprise of her life as she has to quickly find a way off this fragile planet and back home when everything around her is gigantic. Will she return with promising samples for propagating life and plants on earth, or will she flee desperately, escaping with barely her spacesuit in tact and a failed mission? . . . But more importantly, where will Rose go next? . Previews and GIFs are censored, videos are uncensored
duration 14:04
Cheese Vore Giantess video from Royal Heidi
Cheese Vore Giantess by Royal Heidi Concept: I’m shrunken down and eaten between two slices of cheese. Filming: From my point of view (POV) with a length of 10 minutes. No special effects or dolls needed. Props: Some big long slices of cheese. Story: You are my foster Step-Sister and this morning you come to my bedroom. I am still in bed and very surprised. You tell me that you have plans for me. You reveal that I am living in a fam*ly of Giants and Giantesses. I only grew up to serve as food. Now I am ready for consumption and it will happen today. The fam*ly decided that I (Heidi) will be the one to shrink and consume you. I am going to do it right now and I will eat you, between 2 slices of cheese. I know that you don´t like cheese and I am sadistic. You show me the cheese, this will be the last thing I will see while I feel your teeth chopping me up slowly. You also know that I was fantasizing about having sex with you. Before you devour me, you will give me a hand job and tease me with your boobs. You know that I can´t resist you. You grab the cheese and taste it. You see that I am excited and you get topless to tease me more. You jerk me off and shrink me down. Now I am ready and you place me between the cheese. You eat me slowly from toe to head. You talk about which part is next. (head) Before you eat my head with the last Taste, you say Good Bye and Thank you for being such a tasty foster Step-Bro. After the last Taste you hope that your Giantess Step-Mom will find a new, tasty foster Step-Brother soon. END The clip should be filmed from my point of view until I am between the cheese.
duration 9:21
Shrinking Your Tiny Wife video from BlackxRose92
Shrinking Your Tiny Wife by BlackxRose92 I've got everything ready for the night over party, and all the guests are entertained. All that's left is for us to pick a few more snacks and choose the movie marathon lineup based on the votes turned in. We've got a very long night of cuddling and snuggling close under blankets. Did you have anything particular in mind for how you wanted tonight to go? We can't wait too long or everyone will start to get suspicious. Why are you looking at me like that, with that strange smile? Is your cock getting hard? Now is not the time, but we definitely will later. Meet me back in there so we ca-AHHH! What was that? My body feels electrified! Something odd is pulsating through my veins, throbbing with an intense erotic sensation that overcomes me suddenly! Before I have time to react, my body is already changing. I'm shrinking! My clothes aren't shrinking too though, just me! I'm shrinking right out of my clothes, and I'm so embarrassed by my sudden nudity, but you're enjoying every second of this. Wait, can you even see me down here? Why are you so excited that I'm smaller than miniature? How will you have sex with a microscopic wife? Hmm, I guess I could wrap all of my arms and legs around your cock, using my entire body to milk it, but having sex with a teeny, tiny wife will be more than a little bit tricky with our extreme size differences. This is going to be quite the size comparison when we fuck if we can find a way to fit our parts together. If you can still make me cum, and keep me safe, then I'll let you keep me tiny forever....but, will I need clothes? I'm so small that I could just fit naked in your shirt pocket everywhere you go!
duration 12:09
Teased and Eaten By The Vore Witch Giantess video from BlackxRose92
Teased and Eaten By The Vore Witch Giantess by BlackxRose92 The vore witch giantess has kept me locked up here in this black brick room. She feeds me, and every day she takes a bit of my hair and cuts off a bit of my ass fat and eats it. At first she looked like an alien, but each day she began to look more and more like me. Now, I can't tell her face apart from mine, but she looks prettier by far. I can see her drooling for me. The vore witch is coming now! She's so massive, but even though she's only a head, I can can sense that she has vicious claws hidden somewhere. Her teeth are huge, bigger than my body, and when she drools too close to me I fear that she'll swallow me me whole altogether. I haven't gained enough weight for her tastes, but she's grown tired of waiting. I can hear her coming now! The vore witch giantess taunts me, then flicks me onto her tongue and teases me. She's playing with me as if I were food! I plead not to be eaten, but she laughs and proclaims there can only be one of be one of us before burping and farting, then laughing even harder about how that is to become my fate shortly. The vore witch giantess has no desire to let me live, even when I beg her desperately, my fate is to be her food. She teases me mercilessly, playing with me in her mouth and licking my naked body all over. I've been kept here and fed for days, seasoned to be a soft, squishy, all natural meal for her to swallow whole, and eat in just one bite. After she's eaten me, as I'm sliding into her invisible belly, I can hear her laughing about my quick end and how she's going to greatly enjoy digesting me all while burping and licking her lips in enjoyment of her quickly shrunken and eaten meal.

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