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duration 23:48
When Elise Met Strange Hobbies - Elise Graves and Strange Hobbies video from Elise Graves
When Elise Met Strange Hobbies - Elise Graves and Strange Hobbies by Elise Graves Strange Hobbies is a wonderful kinky, freaky guy from France. On this particular day, I was given the opportunity not just to meet him, but to play with him - and let’s just say we hit it off! Beginning our play session by placing a gas mask over his head, I then guide him into a coffin-like box into a leather sleep sack. After zipping, lacing, and strapping Strange Hobbies into the sack, I begin to experiment with his willingness and playfulness by turning up the electro in his butt plug! I am very pleasantly surprised to hear some loud manic laughter increasing as I increase the intensity in his butt plug! At this point, I can tell that Strange Hobbies and I will be good friends! I climb into the box with him as I want to be close to those I have complete control over. I enjoy looking into his gas masked-eyes as I alternate between stroking his erect cock and bit and turning up the electro. Eventually I become more interested in seeing my new friend come his brains out while bound tightly in a sleep sack, in a coffin box, with his breath controlled by long hoses, and so I vibrate him to orgasm. As he was screaming, I thought it would be nice to hear what he sounded like with the box closed and locked up securely, and so I did just that. His muffled sounds were too much of a turn on for me, however, and I couldn’t leave it at that, so I crawled on top of the locked box and vibrated myself to orgasm while listening to the helpless Strange Hobbies moan inside. Lovely making your acquaintance, Strange Hobbies.
duration 8:42
Black Shine 2 video from Ladyvampira
Black Shine 2 by Ladyvampira In the background you can hear the milking machine. Mercilessly she sucks the slave's cock further empty while the slave breathes in the hanging cage through the NS inhaler and watches his mistress Lady Vampira in the padded cell on the toilet throne. The hardened balls of Rubberbitch are bulging and ready to be milked. But the dominant handjob my rubberdoll has to earn first! I want you to put my latex gloves and latex on my back and lick my boots clean! For that I spit in your face and distribute my spit on your latex mask, you little bastard! You love it when your dominatrix wears black pantyhose and latex, you want to stroke my tattooed legs and worship my divine ass. And I want to see you jerk off! / Im Hintergrund hört man die Melkmaschine. Gnadenlos saugt sie den Sklavenschwanz weiter leer, während der Sklave im Hängekäfig durch den NS Inhalator atmet und seiner Herrin Lady Vampira in der Gummizelle auf dem Toilettenthron zusieht. Die abgebundenen Eier der Gummisau sind prall und bereit, abgemolken zu werden. Doch den dominanten Handjob muss sich meine Rubberdoll erst verdienen! Ich will, dass du mir meine Latexhandschuhe und Latexstrapse wieder richtig anziehst und meine Stiefel sauber leckst! Dafür rotz ich dir auch in die Fresse und verteile meine Spucke auf deiner Latexmaske, du kleine Drecksau! Du liebst es wenn deine Domina eine schwarze Strumpfhose und Latex trägt, du willst meine tätowierten Beine streicheln und meinen göttlichen Arsch verehren. Und ich will dich gleich spritzen sehen!

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