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duration 13:22
Possessed and Fucked by Lovecraftian Sewer Monster video from Lima Charlie
Possessed and Fucked by Lovecraftian Sewer Monster by Lima Charlie There was a place that was special to me when I was younger, an old culvert in the woods. I used to go there and contemplate things in the quiet lonely way one can only achieve in their special place. For old times sake I take a trip to go visit it again.

I pass by the graffiti that i remember, one of the most memorable being the writing "passage to hell" with an arrow pointing down (it's partly visible in the video). I'd always found it profound in the teenager-screaming-into-the-void kind of way, but never thought anything of it. But there is a new, mysterious symbol that I don't recognize, and just below it, a strange book. I pick it up and open it, but I don't recognize the characters. In fact, the text doesn't look remotely like anything I've ever seen. As I continue to stare, feeling a surge of perverse infatuation, suddenly a black tentacle appears from between the pages.

After a few moments of shock, I throw the book away and momentarily pass out, but the creature is still coming out of the book towards me. It caresses my legs and dress, going underneath and traveling one of it's arms up to my mouth. It's as if I am spellbound as it explores my lips and mouth. It enters down my throat several times, the final time fully thrusting all of it's amorphous body of darkness and tentacles into me. I fall over again, and when I get up this time it's as if my body is being puppeted. As the being travels down through my body, it commands my hands to travel down the front of my dress, unbuttoning it all the way open. I regain awareness to find this vulnerable state I am in.

The monster works it's way out of my pussy and then starts gently flicking on my clit with one of it's tentacles. I can't help but squirm with pleasure. To be honest, I'd been wet ever since I opened that damned book and was only getting more aroused with every moment. The monster then fucks me as I try my best to conceal my squeals from the cars and pedestrians on the road above me, though I don't do a fantastic job, especially as every squeal echos though this drainage pipe.

When it's had it's fill, the creature travels back up to my mouth. I taste myself, and kiss and gently suck on the tentacle. I am thinking this all is over when suddenly it lunges back down my throat, which is where the video ends.

It was so much fun filming and editing this together, I hope you come on this little grimdark adventure with me!

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