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duration 26:01
Short Order To Go video from BlackxRose92
Short Order To Go by BlackxRose92 Custom video: "You live in a world where tiny men live alongside regular sized people. You’re a giantess to these tiny men. You just finished overeating/stuffing your face with food from your favorite restaurant that you got to-go. you’re overstuffed full bloated and burping. You’re rubbing your full gut burping and belching when you notice me/my pov, a tiny man yelling from your food bag. We talk. While we do (throughout the video) your burps interrupt me and yourself so you’re saying excuse me/trying to be polite. I say I was eating lunch with some tiny friends of mine at the place where you got your food from when I somehow accidentally fell in your bag, and got pinned underneath one of your plates, it was too heavy to lift off me. You kind of tease, bully, me about how embarrassing it must be to get stuck under a plate. tell you as I fell i saw my friends fall in your bag too. I ask where they are, You tell me I’m not going to be seeing them again because they’re all at the bottom of your stomach buried under all the food you stuffed in your gut. you explain that you pushed me and all my friends in your bag of food because you wanted to eat us as appetizers. You pick me up and you humiliate/tease/bully me by comparing all tiny men to food— we’re small enough to be eaten and we’re delicious so that means we’re food. You humiliate us by saying you cant even taste my friends when you belch all you taste is the food you ate on top of them. That literally proves that there’s no difference between us and food if we’re not LESS than that. You eat me. You rub and grope your full belly afterwards and belch talking about how you still can’t taste me over all the food in your gut. "

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