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duration 15:40
Unbreakable Tiny Pt. 1 - Complete Crush video from Princess Claudia
Unbreakable Tiny Pt. 1 - Complete Crush by Princess Claudia [15 Min Video - Giantess, Foot Worship, Foot Crush, Foot POV, Ass Worship, Ass Crush/Pussy Crush, Ass/Pussy POV, Clothing Entrapment] "After coming home and changing so I can relax for awhile from a long day, I throw myself down on the couch and put my feet up on the nearby coffee table. Feeling something poking at my sock and grabbing at me, I gaze down and find a stray little toy, somehow having found it's way onto my table. A bit pissed at being interrupted and needing to let off some steam I decide I'm going to teach it a lesson and bring my feet down on it, expecting it to crunch and pop easily like the others. However after pushing my full weight down onto it again and again and trying to even press it under my toes, it doesn't seem to break, and just keeps squirming down there. Somewhat entertained, and with a mix of feeling a bit challenged and in disbelief at the same time, I take off my socks in case the added cushion of the fabric is somehow saving it. Bringing my bare feet down onto it's little body again and again I marvel at the way it just seems to take it, and start to have a little fun myself. Wanting to see how far it can really go, I crush it between my soles and grasp it with my toes, giggling as it just continues to move around and using it to give myself a good bit of a foot rub. Deciding there's no way it's really this durable, I stand up and decide to try some other things. Bringing myself down onto the table I push my massive ass and tight shorts covered pussy down onto it. Sitting down onto it and grinding myself against the table I expect to feel it's little body smear underneath me, again and again I bring my ass down onto it and grind myself against the table. Peeking underneath me I see it's tiny arms waving up at me still, seemingly excited by the experience. Bewildered by the seemingly invincible durability of the little thing's body I chuckle and decide maybe it would be better to just keep an eye on this particular little toy. [15 Min Video - Giantess, Foot Worship, Foot Crush, Foot POV, Ass Worship, Ass Crush/Pussy Crush, Ass/Pussy POV, Clothing Entrapment] Standing up I pluck the little thing off the table and pull aside my bra, dropping it inside for safe keeping. I bet I can have some real fun with this toy some other time, and I think I'll go ahead and keep it."
duration 24:08
Giantess Butt Crushing a Tiny Man on a Clear Chair with Peko Lux video from Peko Lux
Giantess Butt Crushing a Tiny Man on a Clear Chair with Peko Lux by Peko Lux Wow...I've never had a tiny man go so far as to MAIL themselves to me...that's...crazy! You must certainly be my biggest fan, just like you said! So...what's your fetish, tiny guy? You - WHAT? You want me to SIT ON YOU!? But my ass is so fat, this big booty will absolutely smother you! What's that? Well...ok...if you're REALLY, REALLY sure... Ok, here goes...I'm lowering my big Latina booty down on you...oo, I can just BARELY feel you down there. I mean, I know I've been saying it a lot, but I've got a lot of junk in the trunk, you know? Um...are you ok? Guess I should lift up a little...speak up! Oh...ok...if you're ok, I'll keep going...I'm impressed, actually. I guess I should give you a little break here and there, though. Smoosh smoosh! I'm moving my butt around...ooh, you're riiiight near my buttcrack, huh? I bet you must really like it down there, to put up with the sheer weight of my ass. And I just got back from the gym, so it's a big, sweaty (but clean!) booty that you're taking the full weight of! Speaking of which, let me change my panties into a thong... Ok, I'm back! Hmm...I guess you can enjoy my round thang while I file my nails...I'll keep checking in on you, though! But not TOOOO much...after all, this is what you wanted...I know you reaaaaally like this you little tiny pervy man! Oh no...am I squishing your balls? Your chest? Oops, well...not my problem. In fact, you shouldn't be complaining at all, you wanted this...bad!

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