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FOR THE BELT - Angel Williams vs Lexie Lane

Lexie cuts a promo with her new Ring Women Video US Championship Belt in hand. Angel challenges her for the belt. Both girls are in 2 piece bikini outfits with boots and knee pads. A superior back and forth match with no clear winner. 3 rounds in total with the following holds applied: LOCKUP, HEADLOCKS, CHAIN WRESTLING IN THE BEGINNING, HEAD SCISSORS, ARM RINGERS, TOP WRISTLOCKS, ARM DRAGS, FULL NELSON, FRONT FACE LOCKS, CRIPPLER CROSS FACE, LOTS OF TORTURING LEG WORK, ANKLE LOCKS, STOMPS, 1 LEG BOSTON CRAB, STF and CAMEL CLUTCH. At the end, one of these wrestlers lay in the middle of the ring, completely lifeless! This is a MUST HAVE video, and another PRO WRESTLING classic from Ring Women Video


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