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FAT and BLACK - Nickole vs Jungle Fever

Nickole in a one piece. Fever in a bikini. Both girls in Sneakers. Each girl introduces themselves. Then they each answer 2 questions about how they think the match will go.
FRONT FACE LOCKS, SCHOOBOY PINS, FULL NELSONS, CHOKES, SLEEPS. This is real grappling with only 1 rule - FAT Nickole is not allowed to use her leg scissors. She does not need it in this match. Fever is trying desperatly to get some holds on Nickole and she does from time to timeā€¦Nickole is one tough cookie. This is fast action all the way through. Fever even gets mad for real and attacks Nickole. MANY PIN ATTEMPTS, FEVER USES BODY SCISSORS, CROSS BODY PINS, GRAPEVINE. All back and forth. The 2 girls answer 2 more post match questions in the end.


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