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Fallen Angel - Angel Williams vs Black Demon

This video starts out with Angel talking about how great she is now, and how VHawk is beneath her. Angel is dressed in a sexy 2 piece rainbow outfit and boots. VHawk is in her black catsuit and boots. VHawk is defending her title belt. Look for HEADBUTTS, CHOPS, SNAP MAYERS, CHOKES, EYE GOUGES. Not all one sided at first. Angel hurts her shoulder, and VHawk takes advantage. KNEES and STOMPS to her arm, ARMBARS, BITING, CRIPPLER CROSS FACE, lots of NERVE PINCHES, PILE DRIVERS, NECK BREAKERS, HANGMAN, FIGURE-4, ONE LEG BOSTON CRAB, BELLY PUNCHING, GUILLOTINE, CLAW, SPLASH, SUPLEX, STF, BOSTON CRAB, ROCKING HORSE, BOW & ARROW, TORTURE RACK and a PILEDRIVER ON THE BELT FINISHER! This is a MUST HAVE video and another PRO WRESTLING classic from Ring Women Video!


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