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Gas Mask Goddess Breeding Program

photo of Raven NoirRaven Noir

18:11 | Added 10 months ago

Congratulations! You’ve been carefully selected to join the Gas Mask Goddess Breeding Program.

You open your eyes and notice a beautiful gas masked Goddess pacing in front of you. She explains to you that there aren’t many men around. She’s been studying you and is very impressed. The Goddess has carefully selected you to be the lucky one to breed her. Her delicious curves are aching to be impregnated. She tells you why you’ve been selected, and begins to seduce you. She knows you’re into women adorned in gas masks, so she wears one to turn you on. She begins to undress and sways her hips back and forth, mesmerizing you. She ties a vibrator toy to your cock and balls to edge you and drive you wild. She climbs on top of your rock hard cock and rides you until you blow your load deep inside her. Since she wants to be absolutely sure you have impregnated her, Goddess leaves on laying there tied on the bed, so she can use you later whenever she pleases!

Tags: Gas mask, mask fetish, respirator gas mask, deep breathing, heavy breathing, aroma, breeding impregnation, Goddess, Femdom, mesmerize, virtual sex, moaning, dirty talk.


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