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Brother Finds Sister's Diary

photo of Lizzy MaestroLizzy Maestro

18:59 | Added 3 months ago

$9.75 Add to Cart Save 25% Today! Normally $13.00 13 Tokens Use Tokens

You said you wanted to talk, but I'm trying to get ready. I'm going to hang out with friends. I think my friend is texting me. What? What did you find? You found a video? What kind of video? A confession? Where I admit my brother is dumb? What? I'm trying to get ready! You saw the video where I admit I have a crush on you? I can explain. It was just a silly video. It was fake! I promise. Well, if you don't care, then why won't you let me leave? What did you think about my diary? You're such a naughty brother. What do you think about my confession? Why did you tell me you found it if you didn't want this to happen?


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