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Homewrecking Step Daughter Earns Her Inheritance

It's Father's Day, and your favorite stepdaughter has come to visit you while the rest of the family is out. She sits and talks with you for a while but soon realizes she's made a huge mistake and left your gift at home! She asks you if there's something else you'd like instead, something you don't get very often.. Your stepdaughter then leans across the table seductively, showing off her body for you. You try to tell her that it's wrong, but she asks you how many times you've thought about her body. You can't resist any longer and when she begins to remove her clothing and get on her knee's you can't help but get hard. Your stepdaughter pulls out your cock and starts licking and sucking on it. Asking you to tell her just how much better than your wife she is. As she sucks on your cock, she tells you that it's unfair that her inheritance is split with the others and offers to show you exactly why she deserves it ALL. You agree, and your stepdaughter gives herself to you completely, not caring if others walk in on you.


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