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Rosie's Live Chill Pink Love Hangout

photo of PaintedRosePaintedRose

119:27 | Added 4 days ago

$3.00 Add to Cart Save 50% Today! Normally $6.00 6 Tokens Use Tokens

I went live to hangout and chillax and had a few visitors stop by and say hi. There is some chit chat and a little dancing. It wasn't a planned live themed show or one where I did private sessions. I didn't get many spins or tips tonight as the show was unplanned on a HUMP DAY.. Thank you to my wonderful fan friends who were able to stop by. Just chill and chat tonight. All Camshows are FREE In My Club.

#LIve #Chill #AMA #Hangout #MILF #Dancing #Taboo #Roleplay #StepMom


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