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Circumcision Decision: Penectomy Persuasion

photo of PaintedRosePaintedRose

21:09 | Added 5 months ago

$8.00 Add to Cart Save 50% Today! Normally $16.00 16 Tokens Use Tokens

A Rosie Original. You've been referred to a specialist Doctor for a circumcision and when you arrive you are greeted by a the one and only Dr. Flowers. She begins setting up and dicussing the medical necessity of your procedure and how she will make it painless, precise, and the procedure that is best for her patient. She says that you need a full circumcision due to your circumstances and encourages you to consent and states that she won't even charge you more as it's her duty as a doctor to perform the procedure that is best for her patient. She's given you an antibiotic injection with a little something extra to help you relax. She grips your penis to begin numbing it and assisting with achieving a full erection - for the most precise incision. Her alternative methods are very pleasing and you sign your final constent. Let's get started, shall we?

This film is 2257 compliant and a solo performed medical roleplay fantasy. This film features medical equiptment, gloves, injection fantasy, a slow build to increase the suspense, a real registered nurse experienced in many things - wink wink, penectomy encouragement, femdom, sensual domination, and an ending that will make you completely powerless to your doctors desires.

#Penectomy #Circumcision #Femdom #Sensual #Domination #MILF #Humiliation #Medical #Fetish


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