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The Unicorn Allison Bloom

Porn Star Allison Bloom showed up at my swingers party alone. My parties are orgies and all about wife swapping. Allison showed up as a "Unicorn." I immediately set out to seduce her for me and AJ to get the first crack at fucking her that night. Everyone was going to try and bed her. AJ likes his pussy fresh so I went into action and in all honestly got her naked pretty easily. Piece of cake. I told her that AJ and I wanted to fuck her and she invited us to her room for sex. We took turns fucking her until AJ creampied her very married pussy. I think at that point she realized that she's not on birth control. Ooops, what does she tell her husband? I think as AJ was filling her pussy with cum she was counting the days of her cycle and she came up with ovulating! Music is Courtesy of Wombat Noises and Free Stock Music. Titled Legend of Namer


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