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Breeding The Handmaid

My name is Victoria. I’m married but I fear Giliad has my husband and our daughter. I’m so afraid. I’m now called Offred . That is Of Fred. Fred is Commander Fred Bradford and that cunt with him is his barren wife Mrs Bradford. The Commander is in process of breeding me. The guy takes my pussy every day I could possibly be ovulating. I know his wife hates it. I feel so cheap. He read my diary behind my back and found out I was promiscuous before I got married and when I cumI usually squirt. So now the Commander won’t cum, he’ll keep fucking me endlessly, unless I come and squirt on his cock. It’s hell, believe me! He’ll know if I fake it so I really have to mentally work myself up and actually have an orgasm. I literally have to cum on his cock or else! It’s so fucked up. I know when Mrs Bardford sees that I came on her husband’s cock I’ll pay for it later. But whatever hate she pulls is better than fucking her husband. I know he’ll cum inside of me further angering his wife. It will be a big load! I know, I fucking know, he’ll impregnate me soon. It’s inevitable. My poor husband. What will he say when he finds out? I’m so sad. Blessed be the fruit.


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