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Welcome To Locktober

Welcome to Locktober.

It’s only Day 1, and already, you can feel it, can’t you? That itch, that irresistible urge to give in. But let me remind you... this month isn’t about you. It's about giving up control—every. Single. Day.

For the next 31 days, you’ll follow my rules, no exceptions. From the moment you wake up to the second you drift off, I own every thought, every action, every desire. You’ll learn to crave the restrictions I place on you, and you’ll take pleasure in every punishment I decide to give.

Your body? It’s mine. Your mind? Even more so. Every breath you take this month will remind you of your place: under my strict command.

Disobedience won't be tolerated, and I have some delicious punishments in store for those who step out of line. But if you're a good little sub, maybe, just maybe, you’ll get a taste of pleasure... on my terms.

Locktober is a test of your willpower, your patience, and your submission. And I know, deep down, you’re dying to give in, to let me have full control of your every move.

Day 1 is just the beginning, and you're already mine.


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