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Taboo Bimbo Programming Your New Bimbo Name

Mommy is not happy with you. She's upset that you’re doing well in school. She keeps telling you that you’re not smart, and not at all manly. She says that you need to listen to "Daddy" and embrace your true sissy self. She’s committed to her bimbo journey and is taking you with her. The second she places those silly, pink, headphones on your head your mind instantly goes blank and empty.

As the days go by, Mommy encourages you to dress up in more and more slutty outfits, teaching you how to walk and talk like a bimbo! She's always praising you when you do something stupid, like not knowing that Africa is a continent… Oops! And now, she's going to give you a new sissy name to help you truly accept your new identity.

As you begin to listen to Mommy, learning how to be a slutty bimbo with her, she brings you into her special bimbofication room. She’s going to show you how a good, dumb, bimbo whore sucks a cock… starting with Daddy!

As your dumb, bimbo brain fills with Mommy’s helpful teachings you’ll find yourself permanently feminized and bimbofied - there’s no going back!


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