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30 Day Chastity Challenge Locktober

I want to really test your submission. You see, you feel submissive and obedient to me when you’re horny when you need to cum. But after you orgasm, if you’re honest, the urge fades away. You become distracted. That’s why I want you to challenge yourself, I want you to try 30 days of chastity. You can do this with a cage, or if you want to try it on hard mode you can do it with NO cage at all. But for the next 30 days, you’re not going to touch yourself, you’re not going to cum, and you’re going to rewatch this video DAILY to remind yourself that your cock, your cum, and your right to pleasure belongs to ME. Your true desire is to submit to me fully, and in order to unlock that… we need to lock that cock up. Mentally and/or physically.

So are you up for a real submissive challenge? Your 30 days of LOCKTOBER… starts today.


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