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You Call It Your WIENER?!

As you're talking to a girl at the bar during a party, I join you and start asking what I've asked all sorts of people all over the party tonight - What do you call it? You know... dicks! When you're referencing it, do you say "cock" or "dick" or "hardon" or what? 

After we go through all the ones I've been told and that the other girl, AudusIsaiah, can think of, we bring up some silly ones. Don't tell me you call it a WIENER?! That's hilarious - Audus and I start ribbing you, laughing at your obvious favorite.... you squirmed when we said it!

It must be small, huh? You can't like it being called a WEENIE or a WIENER if it's big. Oh no, you're making a tent in public.. I think the waitress heard us and saw your embarrassment. If you don't stop acting weird, I'm gonna tell the whole bar! 


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