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Wife's Secret Surgery for You

photo of Miss EllieMiss Ellie

13:18 | Added 1 month ago

$1.75 Add to Cart Save 75% Today! Normally $7.00 7 Tokens Use Tokens

Your wife has always been a manipulative bitch. You see right through those cute beady eyes. She looks at you with love but you know that deep down, there's an alterior motive. You awaken to your wife by your bedside, claiming you had a terrible accident that required the removal of your foreskin. She's softspoken and kind, explaining how she made the best choice possible for you, as you were unable to make that decision yourself. You question her, you don't believe her, she made comments about your foreskin before this! She wanted you circumcised! You dare confront her on this and she reminds you that you are imobile and irrational. You must need a paci and pampr, to be thoroughly humiliated for being the little bitch that you are. Every real man knows that a circumcision scar is a right of passage. You're not a real man unless you have one. Now, let me go grab your viagra.. I mean, medicine, so we can get started..


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