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Your Obsessed Stalker- ASMR

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photo of Marissa SweetMarissa Sweet

18:34 | Added 6 years ago

$6.75 Add to Cart Save 55% Today! Normally $15.00 15 Tokens Use Tokens

This is a custom video, the script reads as followed: I would love a roleplay where you are an obsessed stalker. You have me tied down and you spend the video describing how much you love each part of my body and telling me how handsome I am. You talk about how you broke into my house once and stripped naked and just walked around, smelling my clothes, and imagining you were with me. You then slowly undress me, marveling at my body, something you have been wanting for so long. You end by stripping naked yourself and fucking me. Slow, soft, ASMR-type style.


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