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ASMR - Painting And Touching You

photo of Marissa SweetMarissa Sweet

17:55 | Added 6 years ago

$6.30 Add to Cart Save 55% Today! Normally $14.00 14 Tokens Use Tokens

This is a custom video, the script reads as followed: I would like a personal attention ASMR-style video. You are a classmate who has asked me to pose for a portrait. Before long, you suggest that it would be best if I pose nude. You are very impressed and attracted to my physique and use every opportunity to examine my body up close and touch me to put me in the pose you want. You trace the muscle lines and run your hands along the curves of the body. The emphasis is on personal attention. It starts out innocent, but it is clear you are quite attracted to my body. The touching begins to get more personal and inappropriate, but I don't mind. It turns sexual. Enjoy yourself. I will leave how it ends up to you. Please use realistic dialogue and your natural voice (maybe soft spoken), not cheesy-porn dialogue or voices.


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