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Stuck Struggling Undressing Zipped Tight Velvet Dress

Embarrassed Marigoddess struggles to unzip herself out of a tightfitting blue crushed velvet dress. Struggled/panicked dirty talk. When she's finally able to get the zipper undone, she teases you with the curvature of her back while showing off the perfect view of her sexy tattoo. She shows off her her every sexy curve before stripping down. First she shows off her big natural tits, and then she strips all the way down, squeezing her ass out of the tight dress so you can see her big thick bubble butt in a thong. Finally stripped out of that prison of a tight dress and able to breathe freely, you can see her confidence growing when her thick thighs and sexy belly are out on display. Worship her sexy curvy Goddess body as she wiggles around and smacks her jiggly ass.


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