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Tummy and Belly Fetish - You Want to Fuck Dirty Lina

Lina is in front of you, wearing skin-tight yoga pants, looking very messy and dirty. She asks you what you are looking at and isn't happy with you asking if you are making fun of her muffin top of the extra skin she has coming over the top of her clothes. Lina starts bating you, asking if you like looking at her rolls, asking if you want to fuck her. She tucks her phone into her yoga pants, mimicking being on top of you. Lina has a filthy mouth saying 'fuck' as much as she can. You love how filthy her mouth is, how disheveled she looks. She teases you in different positions, all with her muffin top out, waiting to be grabbed. She strips down to her panties, all the while saying the most filthy things as she showcases how fucking good she is in bed, and you are wanting to grab her rolls and her stomach!


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