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Battle of the Sexes: Push-up Challenge!

It's the final challenge in the Battle of the Sexes, and you and I are the only two left. You choose to challenge me to a battle of push-ups, thinking you can beat me because you're a man! Just because you have a dick and balls, and I'm a woman with tits and a pussy, you are sure you can do more push-ups than I can. We'll see about that!

You drop and start doing them, but you get distracted by my sexy body in a bikini and you collapse before you even do four push-ups. I laugh and mock you before getting down on the floor and doing FIVE! Excited, I jump up and proclaim myself the winner. As I flex my muscles I ask how it feels to get beaten by a girl! I have TITS and a PUSSY and I STILL beat you, Mr. Big Man! I show off my tits and my pussy, then I sit on your face with my bare pussy, mocking you some more.


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