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Pedro's Custom: Kind Encouraging Jerk Off For Small Penis

photo of 45%OFF FebSale - KissMyHips45%OFF FebSale - KissMyHips

5:29 | Added 8 months ago

$1.65 Add to Cart Save 45% Today! Normally $3.00 3 Tokens Use Tokens

(Custom video with permission to resell)

After a date, I want to take things further. I touch what I believe to be your semi - you tell me it's hard. I want to see your tiny cock for myself, and am fascinated at how such a small thing can be so hard for me. I jerk you off and tell you to finish on my boobs.

(NOTE: there is no cum lube/cum appearance. Due to a webcam issue, there is inconsistent brightness/contrast in the video. The custom buyer was aware of the issue. I tried fixing what I could during editing.)


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