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Mean Sister Blackmails and Humiliates You

Your family has taken you on holiday but made you share a room with your sister. Worst of all, there is only one bed.

Your sister has always been a bitch abut she's extra bitchy now she has to share a room with her brother.

What she doesn't know is that you get so horny when she's mean to you. Hearing her call you names and put you down always makes you rock hard.

You're laying there next to her with boner, thinking about crossing those lines and finally touching your sister. You decide to go for it, but she wakes up. She's disgusted. What a sick pervert you are. She can't decide if she's going to yell for your parents and tell them exactly what a rotten little freak you are. But instead she decides to have some fun and make you wank your cock while she tells you exactly what she thinks of you and your shrimp dick.


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