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I Think Im Gunna POP

Oh no. OH NO! Vivi's belly is acting strange! "It hurts... I woke up like this... something's.... SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH ME!" Kim is not taking it seriously. "Wow! You're so bloated!! Hahaha!" but Vivi is still uneasy. She explains that she feels like her stomach is about to fucking burst! "Hahaha! That would be funny. You do look kind of pregnant!" Kim laughs. Vivi starts to have stomach pains. "N-nnnnnooo... You don't get it... It literally feels like... AAAUUUGH! It's gonna BURST!!!!" Vivi looks like she's gonna POP! Kim goes from laughing to worried as Vivi screams and we hear a wet loud SPLAT sound and liquid is splashed onto Kim's face and body. Kim looks down, terrified, seeing that her own belly is bulging! What's going to happen next?!


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