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Cheerleader's Check-Up by Medical Gloved Nurse

It's time for Kim's physical exam! Nurse Vivi puts on her satin gloves then begins checking her patient's vitals, and listening to her heartbeat. Next she performs a breast exam that starts off typical, but quickly becomes more intense. Kim can hardly hold back her moans, she gets so worked up the nurse has to hold her down while she finishes. But the exam is far from over. Nurse Vivi removes Kim's panties and tells her to lie down on the table, and before she knows it, she's tied down with restraints. Switching to latex medical gloves, Vivi begins the pelvic exam, her fingers probing and exploring every inch of her. Kim is squirming with pleasure, and she's getting more and more turned on by the minute. But then, the role-play breaks, and Kim and I are ourselves again. Kim is so engulfed in pleasure that she forgets herself and can't keep up the facade for the camera, and I focus on making her cum. The exam may be over, but the fun is just beginning.


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