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0: The Fool

Hello, darling. Welcome to My current creative-challenge series: an Esther-specific, femdom interpretation of the tarot’s major arcana. Starting with The Fool, W/we explore how the themes present in this card/archetype apply to you and Me. The Fool represents naïveté, a new journey, a sense of eagerness… and it’s also a perfect description of you… isn’t it? Consider My interpretation as you receive the privilege of viewing My luscious curves in a sheer yellow bodysuit, totally backless, glossy lips, and listening to My sexy-sweet voice.

*not gender specific, hand gesture imitating striking cock

Kinks/tags: femdom, body worship, goddess worship, sheer lingerie, big ass, curvy, brunette, sensual, psychosexual, spiritual, sex magic, erotic magic, meditational


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