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Misty Squirtle Impregnation

I call Squirtle back inside of my pokeball and somehow he ends up inside my belly instead.. I've been impregnated by Squirtle?! I turn around to reveal my new HUGE pregnant belly and I can't believe what has happened! I tell Squirtle that he needs to get out of my belly but instead he just keeps on wriggling around inside of me. I have to lean over the chaise because my belly is so heavy from the new weight. I remove my denim shorts and decide to lay down.. demanding that Squirtle leave my body. But instead he releases his Water attack.. shooting water outside of my pussy!! I grab my Pokeball and tell him one more time and he finally listens as he gets out of me and back into the Pokeball where he belongs. Naughty Squirtle!!


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