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Ellie Idol Videos

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SILENCED BY A STRAPON EXECUTRIX Ellie the executrix has been hired to take you out in the more painful and humiliating way possible. Whoever hired her must REALLY hate you! You awaken on the floor, every possible bone in your body broken from her initial attack. Her vinyl boot on your chest is painful but you can't move a muscle. You're completely defeated. All that's left is to let her do whatever it is she wants to do to you before you are no more. You think she's going to take you out quickly but then she asks if you are ready for your final meal. First it's saliva for the appetizer, then something from her holes for the main course. For dessert, she's got her strap-on COCK to fill those cheeks! Both sets! She wasn't joking when she said it'd be humiliating. She slaps your face with her strap-on cock and balls before going back and forth between both cock sleeves (your face and asshole). Can you believe these are your final moments? Ass to mouth from the woman sent to unalive you?! She taunts you the whole time and lists the ways she could end you right here. The anticipation of your end alone is sending your pulse through the roof! You're hurting so badly and wish she'd just end it!! Finally, after some begging on your part, she decides to show you that tiny bit of mercy needed to finish the job. She sits on your throat and shoves her strap-on down your throat just far enough to block the airways! And of course, she doesn't forget to record it all as proof. Good thing your life is ending as you're croak from embarrassment if the video was ever released to the public... So long sucka!!!!!
THE FUTANARI BIMBO POTION After coming home early from the office party, I can't help but rant to you, my husband. My co-workers are sexist and they hit on me every chance they can get. I had a drink at the office but felt ill from it so now I'm here. After a few minutes, I feel tingles in my pelvic region so I look and see a full sized cock has sprouted from my genitals!! We both can't believe our eyes. I touch it but can't help myself and cum all over the floor. Over and over again, I stroke myself off...yet something changes every time in my personality. I slowly go from intelligent, nice and prudish to ditzy, slutty and bitchy. I was definitely dosed at the office party! Suddenly the guy from the office calls so I shamelessly flirt with him. Why not? He's hot, rich, with a big dick! You're none of those things. I continue to jerk off and stick my pantyhosed feet in your face until finally I cum and drain my balls completely. Suddenly, I'm back to my original self. I'm mortified by my behavior! I hang up and ask how I can make it up to you but you just want my feet back in your face. The prude that I am, I refuse so you touch my cock to get me back in the mood. It works! I'm back in bitchy bimbo mode ready to cheat! I call the guy back and we make plans for him to pick me up. Turns out I've come so many times in such a short period that I'm now permanently this way! I'm such an airhead now that I have to have the guy on the phone explain what divorce is to me. How did this happen? How could someone go from kind and intelligent to a bitchy, ditzy slut? The futanari bimbo potion is how! ;)
PENIS ENVY video from Ellie Idol
PENIS ENVY Recently you've had an experience that has changed you. It's been on your mind nonstop since it happened. You and your best friend went to a party and met a cute babe. One thing led to another and you were tag-teaming that hottie with your BFF. Even thinking of it now it has you beating off a little bit, doesn't it? But there's more to this story than just a hookup. A little something called "penis envy" perhaps? While this girl tried to treat you both as equals, it was clear which dick she had a preference for, and it wasn't your small-ish average one. She loved your best bud's monster cock!! You're left feeling conflicted with jealousy but also horniness. Ellie is going to help you tame those feelings and turn them into pure desire as she describes those events back to you. Embrace the envy and use it to jerk that lil pecker!! Ellie wants you to think about your best friend's titanic tool and all the pussy he must get with it. Stroke yourself as you think about all those stretched cunts gripping his shaft and dripping wet. Have you ever truly pleasured a woman compared to him? You wish you were blessed with his physique and talents but you must work with what you have. Sure you're a great guy but so is he, and if a woman had to pick between two great guys, she'd pick the one with the bigger dick every time! That hookup hottie could be fucking your best friend right at this moment. She did get his number after all, and yours but you never did get the call, hmm? He's probably bending her over doggy style plowing her deeply while you sit here and enviously jerk your peen. You wish it could be you getting some action...but that's not in the cards. Not with any lady who has seen both your cocks. His will always be the preference, the VERY BEST. Everything has changed since that night, you can't get his handsome hung dong out of your brain!! So use it as masturbation fodder and crank one out in front of Ellie!! Let that penis envy turn to lust!!

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