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photo of Ellie IdolEllie Idol

14:01 | Added 11 months ago

It's your birthday and Ellie knows you've been good this year! So, she will reward you with a little posing routine to show off her biceps and shoulders. She knows how weak you are for her mentally as well as physically. She could EASILY overpower you and she lightly humiliates you for it. It isn't long before you're hard at the sight and she decides it's time for your second gift: a bicepsjob! Being the muscle-slut you are, you eagerly take off your pants and underwear. In anticipation of what's to come, you're feeling a mixture of scared and aroused. This is just what you need for this special day. She works your cock in her hands as she shows off her biceps. Alternating between this and stroking you with her bicep muscles, eventually, you blast her flexing arm with your cum load! She shows off how much you blew all over her and makes you kiss her cummy muscles with your lips. Happy birthday, kitten!


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