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photo of Ellie IdolEllie Idol

11:02 | Added 12 months ago

The Flash (you) overhears Wonder Woman having a conversation. She's going on about her hookups with the top superheroes and how disappointing those encounters have been. Confident in your ability to rock her world, you approach her with your proposition. She's a beauty, and you've always admired her strength and those beautiful muscles of hers. WW doubts you could keep up with her but is very curious. You're cute, so she wants to put forth a challenge for you. If you can last 5 minutes with her jerking you off, you can fuck her. BUT! There's a but! You will be jerked the whole 5 minutes whether you cum early or not. If you should fail, you'll be her slave for an entire year. Since you have a stupid name, Wonder Woman will call you her "kitten" instead. Are you ready? Will you win a chance to prove yourself in bed? Or will this end embarrassingly with you coming in a FLASH? Don't think she's going to go easy on you! She knows how much you love her biceps so she's going to use them to her advantage. She has to put you to the test and see if you're worthy after all! ;)


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