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The Trick In The Treats

*Includes themes such as weight gain, expansion, etc. Do not purchase or watch if not your thing!*

I arrive to the unpopular girls house. She's giving away the worst candy and I decide to make fun of her for it. Little do I know, she's added a spell to the candy. I get home and eat it. Afterwards, the changes begin to take place. My body begins to expand! My breasts and belly grow, straining against my clothing. My hips and ass widen and strain my skirt. I'm gaining weight at a rapid pace and begin freaking out. I call the girl and beg for her to fix it. I call anyone to help. I even try to open my door to leave but it's stuck. Pound after pound piles onto my frame until I can no longer stand up. Yet somehow, it begins to turn me on and I can't help but get wet and touch myself.


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